Utah: Week 2

Utah: Week 2

We finished the full second week here, and my first full week back at work, sort of. I actually worked that first week even though it was my vacation. But hey, who is counting, right? Anyway, this past week was filled with some good stuff. We were able to get about 75-80% done with the…

Utah: Week 1

Utah: Week 1

It has been almost a year since this site has been updated, and I figure we should start doing this more often. Plus, a new chapter in our life starts: UTAH! I can not say that this has been a great movie. So far it has not. At least not to me. But I figure…

The Weekend

So I took a little extra time to write a post, and had the weekend which was full of stuff and such. I can not really tell you how much I am wanting the summer to end. To be in the 90s would be so nice. And that is really hot still, but I really…

Gold Letter Day

So it has been two weeks since I have posted anything at all. My Twitter has been somewhat silent and Facebook is a little off as well. I need to get re-energized about the entire web thing. I am just kind of burnt out on everything: computer, school, work, paying bills, etc. It is not…

Another Saturday

OK, since I am so busy right now, and have very little time, it looks like I will be posting on a Saturday instead of a Friday. Anywhoo, I could get all serious about the monstrosity that is in the nations capital now. The idiots in DC who claim they represent us have ignored the…

Never More

OK, so I am a day late in making this post. Yeah I know. I have been stressed this past week. I am actually surprised I did not have a heart attack or spontaneous combustion happen. But yesterday was my daughter’s birthday and we all celebrated and had fun. Well, let me rephrase that, everyone…

What the . . . .

So on Thanksgiving, we went to my dads house in Mesa. We came back to Chandler around 7:30 pm that Thursday night. In Mesa it started to rain pretty hard, when it broke, I told Elise, “Let’s get the kids in the car and get going while there is a break in the rain”. We…

New Job, New Time

After I graduated, I was doing interviews all over the place. I was talking to many head hunters here in Arizona, a couple in Texas, and a couple back east, in South Carolina and Kentucky, a couple in Portland, OR and a few in California. My favorite in all of these, overall, was the job…

This is London

I am now back in the States, and London was great. I flew out of Marrakech on Friday midday, and landed in London late afternoon. We took the trains from Gatwick Airport to Victoria Station and then rode the tubes. That city has mass transit perfected. Great set of maps, tubes, and can get you…