Utah: Weeks 27, 28, and 29

So, you thought you could get rid of me that easily huh, well then this week you are in for a real big thing, because I have 3 weeks worth of material that you can all skip over quickly. That is right, three full weeks to ignore right out, or to just glance at the pictures.

In the past 3 weeks we have had a few different things happen. I went to LA for a week. Netter went to a cool new class, Zo went to a Shakespeare class, cooking class, and Kas rocked the world We even fit in some time in Arizona this past week too. So all of those are going to be part of this post. I did a lot of work this past few weeks and got real busy. That is why there is a lag of a few weeks. But we should be better off now. We got a few other things going. Hamstie is doing well too. Netter got Pink Eye today, so we are all watching out for that. Utah has tons of snow and is freezing. More snow this week, so maybe a few more pictures.

Today on my drive home, there seemed to be a small back up on State Str. Freakin A, why now, especially when I have to go to the bathroom. Luckily the back up does not last long. What was the cause you ask? A couple of deer who were in the middle of the street just hanging out and seeing where to go. They came down from the mountains, probably looking for food, or a job, not sure which. But I was no longer mad. It was the deer. They did not know better. Or did they? Maybe the deer run this place and use humans as experiments, and that is all this was, a mad science experiment on the unsuspecting humans.

Anyway, here are the massive amounts of pictures that have piled up over the past three weeks time.

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