If you are reading this, then those tricky Mayans did not destroy your world, and you survived the Holiday Death March. If you are not reading this, but are looking at the words on the screen, then: kjbsdvji slh slhv gl xvlk glsd flk gsldkf glg halfkg liug svlig slfhg lsfg liug sfliug.
But here we are though, still in Utah during the winter. We had some guests come over this week and our kids have loved it. Tom and Natalie came to visit us for a few days and they have been having fun in the snow. So it has been a fun last week. I got my new system, and an update for the office: a couch. Now Elise can come in and be with me while I work at home. And yes Reuben, the new couch is from Ikea, so we are more Ikea now than ever!
Well, you did not come here to read my words, just look at pictures. Which this week I did not do anything special to them, I just used them as they are, so they are not in chronological order or anything else that is special.
Snow time in Utah, or as they like to call it: weekdays
Kasmir at a good light
Sunday dinner with steak and the kids
Elise just has to have her cup of snow with dinner, otherwise she is cranky
The new office configuration with the Ikea sofa
All the kids out with Elise and Natalie to sled
View of the mountain pass from a distance
This is Zo’s new pet, Hamsty, and she loves the ball
Zo playing with Hamsty
Images of the snowfall
This is the street we have to drive on
Netter and Elise went to an Arial show
Netter loves these types of things
More Arial stuff from the show.
Of course Netter had to stop afterwards
The lesser known Sith Lord, Darth Tom, was a master at Econ, but had to be plugged in to the wall
Getting ready to make a ton of noise to usher in the new year
All the kids getting ready to make some more noise
The kids out sledding
Going downhill on the sleds
Cully walking around in the snow
Cully learns the properties of slick snow
Getting ready to go down the slide hill
Sledding time can be fun, even with a camera
Netter is such a big girl now, and so helpful with the cousins
One bad thing about sledding down, you have to walk back up
Kasmir showing he is man enough to walk up these slopes
So, you thought you could get rid of me that easily huh, well then this week you are in for a real big thing, because I have 3 weeks worth of material that you can all skip over quickly. That is right, three full weeks to ignore right out, or to just glance at the…
We have now made it through October and are starting on November. This past week gave us many photos, some of which you may have already seen on Facebook this past week. Others were because my family is awesome-sauce when it comes to Halloween. And me, well I am trying to still get better after…
This past week was one of adventure! Well sort of. The kids started school in Utah for the first week, and Kas did not want his picture taken. He was very adamant about just getting to school. Zo and Netter however were a little different, they wanted a ton of pictures. So Elise grabbed a…
Almost 3 months in the state of UT. Crazy! The weather is starting to cool off, and the leaves look like flames on the trees. Thank heavens, after a summer filled with wildfires, these flames are just a result of the changing seasons. I am so excited for Fall! It’s my favorite time of year. …
November is upon us. Colder winds, changing colors in nature and visits from snow flakes are all around. And this month looks to be a huge month for the Hird Family. But lets get down to business. Last week’s caption contest proved to be an extreme failure. I guess it really should not be. After…
We finished the full second week here, and my first full week back at work, sort of. I actually worked that first week even though it was my vacation. But hey, who is counting, right? Anyway, this past week was filled with some good stuff. We were able to get about 75-80% done with the…
it dosn’t make sence
Things I did not know about my siblings: Elise gets cranky without her cup of snow, Tom has to be plugged in.
it dosn’t make sence
Things I did not know about my siblings: Elise gets cranky without her cup of snow, Tom has to be plugged in.