It’s beginning to look (and feel) alot like Christmas! And this past week the weather was very weird and the kids had a lot of fun. For me, it was the same old thing, go to work, try not to be overloaded and make sure I tickle the kids. For the most part that worked, the only thing that did not work out was that I did get overloaded at work this past week.
But this past week we did decorate the tree. We did find something troubling, though. As we looked through the boxes for decorations, it seems to be that we have lost a full box of decorations. Which kind of sucks, because that had some of the decorations for the kids, and ours. Each year we buy a new gift for each of the kids and for us. The kids get to choose what they want, so the decorations are special to them. So it kind of sucks we do not have those anymore. But anyway, we still got the tree decorated.
Netter was awarded the 5th Grader of the Week at her school. So we went out to celebrate that award. It was packed on Saturday at Texas Roadhouse. And when I say packed, I swear everyone in Utah Valley was at that one location. People were standing everywhere, and it was kind of odd, I am not sure I would want to eat in some of those tables because it was like people were standing right over them while they ate. Very odd, not sure I want to go back there on a weekend.
It snowed a few days here. The cold is setting in too. So it is not just snow, but it is cold too. Now the kids are not sure they want to be here for this anymore. Now that it is getting to be cutting cold, it is getting to the kids. But that is the fun of this.
Anyway. here are some pics from the past week.
Elise putting some lights up on the tree prepping it for the major decorations.
All the family getting the ornaments out and ready to place carefully on the tree
Netter looking for her ornaments to put on the tree
Kasmir is just chillin’ while putting the ornaments on the tree
And the ornaments were hung from the Christmas Tree with care
All the kids on the ground getting more ornaments
So the Tree needed some more Kas Care, so he took care of it
Zo wanted us to take this picture to show everyone that this is her decoration
This is the view from the front porch, where I had to stay, since Elise said No Grinches! And I said Fine, I will take my party elsewhere, then I waited outside so I could take the tree and all the who-pudding and who roast beast
And after all the decorations (that we could find) the star gets placed on the tree
My beautiful kids who are sweet and tender hooligans that helped decorate the tree
We are starting to do a fiber optic Christmas village, and we have a few buildings, and will get more, but for right now, this is the village
Hmmm, not sure what happened, but it is probably Christmas that is doing this to the camera
Elise must have been captured in a time warp of some kind, luckily she came back, but she kept saying “Daleks Rule Forever”, so not sure if I should be concerned
A view from the office during the past week, surely Winter is Coming
Zo was helping the students at UVU learn how to teach using drama, she enjoyed it so much they are going back this week too
Netter was the Cedar Hills Elementary School 5th Grader of the Week. I am so proud of my Netter
So on Saturday morning we woke up to this scene, which I really like to see
Ward Christmas party up at the church building
Netter at the party looking very enthused to be there
Elise and I decided since none of our kids were willing to sit on Santa’s lap, we would do that
Zo decided that she was going to sit on Santa’s lap, and I am sure she said that she told Santa that she wanted her Dad to have a brand new MacBook Pro
Zo was making Netter’s present, and I was telling Zo that I was making her gift from us this year, she was less enthused about that
This is what I was doing while Zo was doing her thing. I told her this is her present, I am not done yet, but will be shortly
Netter and Zo are so happy that we are going out to celebrate Netter’s 5th Grader of the week.
While we were out at Texas Roadhouse, Netter gives her approval
Zo no longer likes the Kids Menu area, so she orders off the “Adult Menu”, and then tries to eat the food that is given to her
After Church on Sunday and wanted to get a good picture of them
Kas walking around the house on Sunday trying not to be photographed, but dang he looks so cool
So I was joking around with Elise saying that I was going to put the caption as “Elise, where she belongs”, but I am not that mean, I will just tell you about it then I can claim I never made this the caption.
We have now made it through October and are starting on November. This past week gave us many photos, some of which you may have already seen on Facebook this past week. Others were because my family is awesome-sauce when it comes to Halloween. And me, well I am trying to still get better after…
This past week was really not all that eventful, until we got to the weekend. It started like any ordinary week. The girls went to swim lessons. While there, they saw that a gymnastics class was offered. So they got to go to that and see how it was, and both of the girls loved…
This past week was really active. My Dad and Debbie were here till last Wednesday. Unfortunately, I had to work so did not get to spend much time with them on Wednesday. I was really sad to see them go. This past week also had Utah celebrating Pioneer Days, so Elise took the kids to…
September is gone, and now is October. This past week Utah saw some storms and snow at the tops of the mountains, Netter had a field trip, Kas had student led conferences and Zo was a happy girl all through the week. And I got to go to Los Angeles to have 3 days of…
So this past week was one filled entirely of Kas! It was his birthday on September 11 and we celebrated as much as we could. And the girls made sure they reminded him that he would not be as cool as he is without them. Which I agree. The girls keep him honest. This past…
OK, this past week was really uneventful, except for the storms that came in to Utah. So this weeks pictures are full of storm pictures. But next week looks more promising. Sorry I am not writing more, kind of a lot on the plate right now.