We have made it 16 weeks. That is almost 4 months. And with the current week’s weather coming up, now we get to see how tough we really are. The week coming up is going to be cold. Very cold.
This past week had plenty of excitement, thrills, and death defying events. Ok, well, it did not happen that way at all. This past week was more of the same. Kids going to school, Elise doing her thing, but she did get sick this past week and the kids helped nurse her back to health. And I worked way too much and worried way too much about the projects. But then the weekend came.
I have been working weekends lately trying to get everything all caught up and going. And it has been very stressful. But I try to get out with the family on Saturday morning. So this past Saturday we went to Einsteins Bagels in Draper, and took the mountain pass over to SLC. It was a fun drive. But then we had to get back. And I had to get back to work. But I could not drive back home. So we went further into the SLC area and ended up at the Haunted Half Marathon. That was pretty fun and looking at all the costumes of people running and people there, I think the kids had fun. They held the event in a canyon. So we walked down to the event. When we were done there, we went across the street to the state capitol. We took some pictures there and went around inside and saw all the artwork and offices. They had the chambers to the Senate and House closed off, but I really wanted to go to those galleries. Maybe next time when they have those open.
The kids are all liking this area. But this coming week will be the test. Today is the only day the high is supposed to be over 60. And tomorrow is the last day the high will be over 50. The rest of the week it is all in the 40’s, for the high. Thursday the low is supposed to be 25. So we will see what happens with the kids this week. And also Elise. I am kind of wondering what will happen to her as well. She still has too much of that Arizona blood in her.
But anyway, the pictures from this last week are below.
Zo went with us to the Courthouse to get registered to vote.
Afterwards, we went to grab a bite to eat at a place called Gurus. It was not too bad.
We decided to take a little excursion after breakfast to SLC.
They held a run at the bottom of this canyon, We had to walk down, which was nice, but that meant we were going to have to walk up too.
Zo and me walking down to the event.
Kas and Netter decided to run down to the event.
I finally have proof that you should never take just one Mormon with you when you go fishing. If you want to know why, ask Elise about it, she has the in on the best joke ever told.
This poor guy had been fishing so long it finally took him.
This was a beautiful place and there was so many awesome spots to take pictures.
However, Elise did find a troll living under a bridge though.
This is the finish line for the Haunted Half Marathon, which again, we an awesome scene.
At the top of the canyon is the Utah State Capitol, so we hung out there for a while.
The kids and Elise standing at the monument of the Mormon Batallion
Kas and Netter doing their best to be good.
However, Zo did not feel that way. But she got better.
The Utah State Capitol Building. It sits up on a hill, and is kind of a nice site.
I took a few different angles of the capitol.
Netter on the steps to the building. Those really are a lot of steps.
A look at the building from the base.
Even the side entrance to the building was decorated nicely. Two lions guard the way.
The guarding lion, or the way Zo tells it, those are statues that come to life when Zule is around, and hopefully the Ghostbusters will be around.
The kids thought the building was coming down, so they held it up, just in case.
Zo was happy she was able to hold this building up. She is strong.
The display case for the Utah Constitution. It was a very nice place on the inside, all of it was marble.
This is looking straight up in the dome area on the inside.
This is the same view, from a different angle. The dome had all these cool paintings on it, and a cool architecture to it.
With all the excitement, I had to go to the restroom, but Netter would not tell me where the restrooms would be.
Netter and Kas with a statue, while Zo was in the restroom. By the way, Elise said that in the capitol, even the restroom stalls were made of marble.
Zo in front of a replica of the Liberty Bell. I am glad she got to see this, even though it is just a replica, she got to see the bell, which she has wanted to see for some time.
I guess this is where I will get to one day, when I argue the case of Hird v Idiot Utah Drivers.
The elevators were kind of cool too. They were old school and had some nice designs.
This is us inside the elevator. We went up to the fourth floor. In this pic it almost looks like we were in prison. If you have been in an old school elevator, you would know that is exactly how it feels.
November is upon us. Colder winds, changing colors in nature and visits from snow flakes are all around. And this month looks to be a huge month for the Hird Family. But lets get down to business. Last week’s caption contest proved to be an extreme failure. I guess it really should not be. After…
This past week was really not all that eventful, until we got to the weekend. It started like any ordinary week. The girls went to swim lessons. While there, they saw that a gymnastics class was offered. So they got to go to that and see how it was, and both of the girls loved…
Weeks have gone by, and the Hird Family is still exploring Utah and the new life here. This past week is no different. In order to understand this week, we must understand the family. Elise was born and raised in Arizona. Minus a little time spent in Slovenia, she has been almost her whole life…
This is week 24. I am doing things a little different these next few weeks. Instead of posting on Monday, I will post on either Tuesday or Wednesday so that you can see all the cool things for the Christmas. Then when we get to the new year, I will resume on the Monday posts,…
It has been almost a year since this site has been updated, and I figure we should start doing this more often. Plus, a new chapter in our life starts: UTAH! I can not say that this has been a great movie. So far it has not. At least not to me. But I figure…
This morning I took Stephen to the airport to work in CA for the week. So, this week you get me. I’ll do my best, but I love getting his take on things, and I will miss that this time. It’s taken me way too long for this past weeks post. I need to get…