Utah: Week 26

Utah: Week 26

If you are reading this, then those tricky Mayans did not destroy your world, and you survived the Holiday Death March. If you are not reading this, but are looking at the words on the screen, then: kjbsdvji slh slhv gl xvlk glsd flk gsldkf glg halfkg liug svlig slfhg lsfg liug sfliug. But here…

Utah: Week 25

Utah: Week 25

Merry Christmas everyone! This past week was amazing and we had a lot of fun. There are a lot of pictures this week, so I will not write too much for the post. But to cover some highlights: Elise took the kids snow skiing this past week. Kas and Netter loved it, Zo was hesitant…

Utah: Week 24

Utah: Week 24

This is week 24. I am doing things a little different these next few weeks. Instead of posting on Monday, I will post on either Tuesday or Wednesday so that you can see all the cool things for the Christmas. Then when we get to the new year, I will resume on the Monday posts,…

Utah: Week 23

Utah: Week 23

It’s beginning to look (and feel) alot like Christmas! And this past week the weather was very weird and the kids had a lot of fun. For me, it was the same old thing, go to work, try not to be overloaded and make sure I tickle the kids. For the most part that worked,…

Utah: Week 22

Utah: Week 22

Here we are in week 22! This past week was very fun, especially for Zo, as this past week was her Birthday! This past week we hung out in AZ for a few days, then drove back. Once back we got back to usual schedules, and I got really sick. I am still recovering from…

Utah: Week 20

Utah: Week 20

Twenty Weeks and now comes the Thanksgiving Week. The Hird family is now a Utah family. We are settling in to this new environment and doing all the things we need to do, and living in Utah as a regular now instead of outsiders. We are still outsiders, but not as much anymore. This past…

Utah: Week 19

Utah: Week 19

November is upon us. Colder winds, changing colors in nature and visits from snow flakes are all around. And this month looks to be a huge month for the Hird Family. But lets get down to business. Last week’s caption contest proved to be an extreme failure. I guess it really should not be. After…

Utah: Week 18

Utah: Week 18

We have now made it through October and are starting on November. This past week gave us many photos, some of which you may have already seen on Facebook this past week. Others were because my family is awesome-sauce when it comes to Halloween. And me, well I am trying to still get better after…

Utah: Week 17

Utah: Week 17

Weeks have gone by, and the Hird Family is still exploring Utah and the new life here. This past week is no different. In order to understand this week, we must understand the family. Elise was born and raised in Arizona. Minus a little time spent in Slovenia, she has been almost her whole life…

Utah: Week 16

Utah: Week 16

We have made it 16 weeks. That is almost 4 months. And with the current week’s weather coming up, now we get to see how tough we really are. The week coming up is going to be cold. Very cold. This past week had plenty of excitement, thrills, and death defying events. Ok, well, it…

Utah: Week 15

Utah: Week 15

The previous week brought a lot of fun and exciting times to us. However, we did have to say goodbye to Brecken and Tom, as they left to go back to AZ. So that made the kids sad, but then we had a fun and exciting time here as the week progressed. First off was…

Utah: Week 14

Utah: Week 14

October cold breezes bring good things, I think. The kids are dealing with their first real cold spell and were fascinated by the ice on the grass. Just wait kids. Especially when it snows and mean old daddy makes you shovel the driveway and the sidewalk. Then I am not so sure they will be…

Utah: Week 13

Utah: Week 13

September is gone, and now is October. This past week Utah saw some storms and snow at the tops of the mountains, Netter had a field trip, Kas had student led conferences and Zo was a happy girl all through the week. And I got to go to Los Angeles to have 3 days of…

Utah: Week 12

Utah: Week 12

Almost 3 months in the state of UT.  Crazy!  The weather is starting to cool off, and the leaves look like flames on the trees.  Thank heavens, after a summer filled with wildfires, these flames are just a result of the changing seasons.  I am so excited for Fall!  It’s my favorite time of year. …

Utah: Week 11

Utah: Week 11

So this past week was one filled entirely of Kas! It was his birthday on September 11 and we celebrated as much as we could. And the girls made sure they reminded him that he would not be as cool as he is without them. Which I agree. The girls keep him honest. This past…

Utah: Week 10

Utah: Week 10

So the Hird Family has made it a full 10 weeks in Utah. Not sure how we did it, but we did. Luckily we had a 3 day weekend to get through a really tough week, for me at least. And we did have some fun on Labor Day. We realized we never took the…

Utah: Week 9

Utah: Week 9

OK, this past week was really uneventful, except for the storms that came in to Utah. So this weeks pictures are full of storm pictures. But next week looks more promising. Sorry I am not writing more, kind of a lot on the plate right now.

Utah: Week 8

Utah: Week 8

This past week was one of adventure! Well sort of. The kids started school in Utah for the first week, and Kas did not want his picture taken. He was very adamant about just getting to school. Zo and Netter however were a little different, they wanted a ton of pictures. So Elise grabbed a…

Utah: week 7

Utah: week 7

This morning I took Stephen to the airport to work in CA for the week.  So, this week you get me.  I’ll do my best, but I love getting his take on things, and I will miss that this time. It’s taken me way too long for this past weeks post.  I need to get…

Utah: Week 6

Utah: Week 6

This past week was really not all that eventful, until we got to the weekend. It started like any ordinary week. The girls went to swim lessons. While there, they saw that a gymnastics class was offered. So they got to go to that and see how it was, and both of the girls loved…

Utah: Week 5

Utah: Week 5

We have now lasted a whole month here in Utah. Not sure if I am going to last through August. The heat here is almost as bad as the heat in Arizona. I really was hoping to get a little less heat. But now I know. For next year, in July and August, I just…